Thursday, May 14, 2015

Re-evaluating my Ecological Footprint Goals

For the most part, I have been fairly successful in reducing my footprint in my goal areas of water and energy consumption. Turning the wifi/cable box off is the most difficult part of the energy consumption area. 

Food consumption is where I am having a tough time. When evaluating why I am not making the progress I would like to, it came down to a few things: price, convenience, and accessible alternatives.

I have not been eating meat, which will reduce my footprint, although this has mainly been out of price.

I have not been buying at the farmers market because Saturdays have been inconvenient for me this month. However, I have consistently stuck to only organic produce.

With certain items with plastic packaging, like bread, the reason I haven't moved to another type of packaging is because of limitations. Fresh bread comes in paper bags, but does not stay good long enough for me to finish it. In this case, I have to choose to get the one that keeps the best fresh the longest so that I am not wasting.

Unfortunately, my property manager has not gotten back to me about a compost bin. I will have to take further action on this goal.

If I had the time, I would re-evaluate my goals to buy less food at a time, so that I could buy the fresh, ready-to-go products from bakeries and whatnot. I think I will try this over the summer, but right now it is not realistic. 

New goals for food: Eat everything I buy, don't let things go to waste. Buy fresh bread whenever I can. Continue to avoid plastic packaging as much as possible, and record the items that are packaged in plastics and search for alternatives.

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